I started my Health & Wellness Journey in 1976 when I was tired of popping over the counter and prescription meds like they were Tic Tacs and I wasn't feeling any better.  This is when I started investigating yoga, meditation, organic gardening, food coops and herbs.  

Almost a decade later I started to learn about essential oils. 

During my journey I've hosted 4 Herb and Health Festivals, taught and attended classes and conferences, owned a Health Food Store and started a company creating and distributing herbal and essential oil infused products for beauty and well-being. I became a Certified Yoga Instructor in 1999.

2000 I became a Young Living customer which led to to being a Brand Partner, sharing health and wellness, including, movement, environmental health, breath work, and the power of smell.

In 2018 I was introduced to Aroma Freedom techniques. As I continued to learn and practice these techniques along with the power of smelling essential oils, I noticed a shift in my awareness.  I was able to start releasing negative thoughts, old behaviors and patterns and experience a more uplifting way of living.

I became a Certified Aroma Freedom Practitioner in 2020.  My joy is helping women that are ready to unleash their true potential and master all areas of their life.

© Copyright Rita C Karydas