10,022 miles

93 Days

Our journey to Alaska has been absolutely incredible! We've encountered awe-inspiring wildlife, including bears, moose, eagles, sheep, a fox, and bison. The majestic glaciers, towering mountains, flowing rivers, serene lakes, "The Ancient One" Denali, and breathtaking waterfalls have left us in constant wonder. Our rafting trip down the Klutina River where I caught 1 red salmon and our other fishing adventure taking home with us 20# of halibut.  Great eating!

We had the pleasure of meeting so many incredible people and enjoyed making memories with our new travel buddies, Katy & Mike, as well as Jody & John.

Some of the highlights of our trip included marveling at Denali, embarking on unforgettable hikes, the hot springs, camping at Teklanika, hiking Savage River Loop and exploring the charming town of Homer. Wildlife refuges, museums, wildflowers, the local people and their stories as well as stopping if we saw something of interest. Actually, every place we visited had its own special qualities and unique charm that we'll always remember.

Although the roads were rough the trip was worth it!

Would we do this again?

Yes, but we would fly into Anchorage and rent a Class C and travel for 6 weeks.


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