July 15

Another spectacular drive to Congdon Creek.  We always enjoy stopping when we spy something interesting.  Canyon Creek Bridge was it.  

Fun Facts:  

In 1903, a gold strike in the Alsek River drainage brought a stampede of miners to the area, some of whom stayed to mine in several creeks around Kluane Lake.

A Wagon road was built from Whitehorse in the next year and Sam McGee and Gilbert Shelly constructed a substantial bridge over Canyon Creek

The bridge survived heavy traffic and high spring floods until the 1920's when the government contracted the Jacquot brothers from Burnish Landing to rebuild it.

In 1942, during construction of the Alaska Highway the old bridge was dismantled and a new one built in 18 days.

This bridge does not meet current highway codes and is closed.

We arrived at Congdon Creek Campground.  After we settled in we enjoyed a walk around the park and along the lake.  It was so windy!  It's a beautiful area and we enjoyed having a nice place to rest up for the drive tomorrow....
July 16

Along this journey we were in awe with the absolutely gorgeous Fireweed which covered the mountains, a bear and beautiful wildflowers.


Driving from Condon Creek to the USA Alaska border was treacherous!  Frost heaves, pot holes, rocks/gravel which continued in Alaska.  

Got to the border and had to take a few pictures!  
                                                             International Border
Finally, we arrived in Tok!  It was a very long day.

Arriving at Souradough Campground was a relief!  We settled in & I enjoyed doing yoga while diffusing Thieves and Orange essential oils.  Supporting my immune system and emotions.
July 17

We enjoyed a leisurely start to our day.  Then off to Moon Lake via getting a fishing license and mailing some postcards.  We meet so many fun people along our journey.  At Moon Lake we enjoyed walking around and chatting with Pam and Val, twin sisters 75 years young!) that were traveling from British Columbia in their Dodge Van with their 18 year old cat! They have such an adventurous spirit as do all the international travelers we have met.
We ended the evening eating dinner at the famous Fast Eddies Restaurant.  We shared a piece of halibut with delicious salads from the salad bar.  Their pizza's looked delicious and the crust is handmade.


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