Traveling is an enriching and exciting experience with lots of fun adventures and memories.
Although, it’s not without its bumps and hurdles….
When challenges pop up along the way they can get you down. And it’s okay to feel aggravated but what’s your next step?
You have a choice to stay down or change your mindset.
The great experiences definitely out weigh the bumps and hurdles. There are always solutions when obstacles get in your way. When you can stay calm, focus on your breath and the all the beauty surrounding you. (and laugh!!) you get a different perspective.
Challenges will most likely turn into opportunities for growth.
We also love having a wellness cabinet that contains essential oils. They offer natural, soothing solutions for stress, fatigue, and even hose unexpected scrapes or insect bites. Some of my favorites to travel with are StressAway, Peace&Calming, Purification & Joy.
This is Day 2 of our adventures @ Pueblo State Park in Colorado. Lots of wind so a short walk as the sun was going down (it was 102 degrees!) We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and drove downtown and took a 40 minute stroll around the river.