Longmont Colorado

Exploring Longmont Colorado 

Longmont is nestled against the backdrop of the Rocky Mountains and made for a great 2 day stay.

I love this about the Land Acknowledgment’s…..

“Longmont sits on the traditional territory of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Ute and other Indigenous peoples. 

We honor the history and the living and spiritual connection that the first peoples have with this land. 

It is our commitment to face the injustices that happened when the land was taken, and to educate our communities, ourselves and our children to ensure that these injustices do not happen again.”

The higher altitude of Longmont can sometimes leave you feeling a bit breathless, but a drop of peppermint oil on your temples and behind your ears can provide an invigorating boost. It helps clear the mind and aids in acclimating to the elevation.

Arriving at St. Vrain State Park we settled in and watched a beautiful sunset before snuggling in our motorhome for the evening.

We started our morning with a bike ride. The mountain air was refreshing and a perfect start to the day. 
After our ride, we headed to the local farmer’s market which was bursting with fresh (lots of organics) produce, crafts and snacks.  I purchased some beautiful micro greens from Simply Fresh Micro Greens. I could not resist some roving from www.lefthandwool.com for when we return home to my weaving project.  Douglas enjoyed a fresh baked cherry turnover as we continued to stroll, enjoying the people we met and the music.

With higher elevation hydration the is key.  These are a few of our favorites to use as a wellness body tonic and to increase natural energy.

  • NingXia Red 1-2 oz a day
  • Aminowise - Muscle Performance Blend & Recovery Blend
  • YL’s Vitality Drops + Electrolytes (Lavender Lemonade)
  • YL’s Vitality Peppermint essential oil
What do you do to stay hydrated during the summer or in higher altitudes?

An added bonus to our day was meeting up with our good friends Tommy and Toni for dinner at Indian Bites. It was great catching up and we were all amazed that it was 10 years ago to the day we had dinner with them in Longmont.
Left our campground @ 6:30 AM Stopped @ Buckee’s for gas,  Perfect timing when the kids FT’d to wish Douglas a Happy Father’s Day because we had just stopped at a rest area to make lunch.  

Next stop in Casey, WY @ Lou Taubert Ranch Outfitter’s.  I was in need of a Fleece jacket for Alaska, they had one that fit and was on sale. I love how the Universe is always guiding us.  

Off to Powder River Campground.

Penny greeted us with a friendly smile. She proudly shared that her family's roots that have flourished on this land for over a century!

Then she invited  us to her quilting shop which is full of treasure  -  beautiful fabrics and quilts.

Day 2 Overcoming Obstacles

Traveling is an enriching and exciting experience with lots of fun adventures and memories. 

Although, it’s not without its bumps and hurdles….   

When challenges pop up along the way they can get you down. And it’s okay to feel aggravated but what’s your next step?

You have a choice to stay down or change your mindset. 

The great experiences definitely out weigh the bumps and hurdles.  There are always solutions when obstacles get in your way.   When you can stay calm, focus on your breath and the all the beauty surrounding you. (and laugh!!) you get a different perspective.

Challenges will most likely turn into opportunities for growth.

We also love having a wellness cabinet that contains essential oils.  They offer natural, soothing solutions for stress, fatigue, and even hose unexpected scrapes or insect bites.  Some of my favorites to travel with are StressAway, Peace&Calming, Purification & Joy.

This is Day 2 of our adventures @ Pueblo State Park in Colorado.   Lots of wind so a short walk as the sun was going down (it was 102 degrees!) We woke up to a beautiful sunrise and drove downtown and took a 40 minute stroll around the river.  

RVing To Alaska With Douglas and Rita

RVing To Alaska With Douglas and Rita
Douglas and I have been planning an amazing adventure to Alaska in our Motorhome!! We have been mapping the route, learning and investigating for 8 months in preparation for this trip!

We leave Frisco, Tx to Colorado. Then work our way up thru Wyoming & Montana. We will cross into Canada at Roosville, MT.
We have reservations at Kootenay, Banff, the Ice Fields & Jasper for a total of 11 days. We will be there the week before the Calgary stampede.

From there we head to Dawson Creek, BC. This is the start of Alaska Highway. Then to Ft Nelson where we will visit Young Living's Northern Lights Farm. After that we will treat ourselves to Liard Hot Springs then to Watson Lake, Whitehorse & Dawson City. This is where we take the ferry to cross into Alaska. We will spend the next 7 weeks exploring AK. Our first stop is Glenallen for the “RV to AK 2024 rally”. 

Next McCarthy & Valdez. We hop on the ferry from Valdez to Whittier. Off to Seward, Homer, Soldonta & Palmer. We are excited to have 4 nights each in Denali at Tek CG & Riley CG,  after that we go to Fairbanks with hopes of see the Northern Lights. 

This puts at the end of August and time to head south and exit to Canada. We plan on stopping at Haines and then venture on to Prince George and exit to Seattle to visit some friends.

Our adventure continues down the west coast to California for 4 days at Jalama State Beach in Santa Barbara. 

Then we head home back to Texas at the end of September.  Stay tuned for tips on how we use essential oils and essential oil products along the way as well as tips for traveling in a Motorhome and much more! Enjoying life's adventures one day at a time!

Trust Your Intuition

Trust Your Intuition

Here are some tips to work with your intuition:

  1.  Daily practice - find a place to sit quietly
  2.  Become aware of your breath.
  3.  Identify what you want clarity about
  4.  Keep bringing your awareness back to your breathing exercise.  
  5.  Continue for 3 minutes or more.

It took me years to become aware of my intuition.  I promise you, if you practice this on a regular basis you will have the ability to ‘know’ and make great decisions without the need of conscious reasoning.  

I sometimes resist this ‘intuitive voice’.   This is when things don’t flow easy and effortlessly.  Then finally the ‘voice’ is so strong, I have to let go of the resistance and get back on track.  

Again it takes practice.  You can do this!

Once you identify your own energy levels you will find simple breathing exercises will increase your intuition.  

There is a power greater than we are…..listen, trust and take guided action!  

Journaling, walking, nature and being conscious of the words you speak are other ways to continue to develop your intuition.      

Are you ready to deepen your intuitive powers?

If you know others that are ready to tap into their intuition, I would love for you to share this post.  It would make my day! :-)

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Alternate Nostril Breathing

Do you want to have more energy without drinking energy drinks?  

Seriously, this is FREE and anyone can do it!

I’ve been practicing breathing techniques for decades and it’s literally changed my life!

The first thing you have to do is choose Peace.  Take 5 minutes every day to rejuvenate yourself.  How........

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